Upcoming Class Information

Join us for a Seminar with Robyn Spady. – Eugene Weavers Guild

Versatile Drafts and Yarns: A Dozen Drafts to Adapt for a Wide Variety of Projects
November 13, 1:00-4:00
Drafts are just the beginning. The choices you make in selecting yarns, sett, finishing techniques and more can make a draft versatile for a multitude of purposes. In this seminar, Robyn will share a dozen drafts and explore with us how to adopt them for projects ranging from dish towels and scarves to baby blankets, yardage and things you’d never even considered. Join us for an interactive and fun afternoon with Robyn and leave with a handout including drafts and ideas.
Cost: $25
Location: Eugene Textile Center, 2750 Roosevelt Blvd, Eugene, OR 97402
(Zoom not available for this event)
To register or for more information contact Leslie Conery (leslie.s.conery@gmail.com)